Q - 181 A file system can be mounted to:

  1. A Linux ECS
  2. A Windows ECS
  3. A Bare Metal Server
  4. Dedicated Computing Cluster

Answer: A & B

Q -182 Which of the following are advantages of Cloud Eye?

  1. Automatic Provisioning
  2. Real Time & Reliable Monitoring
  3. Visualized Monitoring
  4. Multiple Notification Types

Answer: ALL

Q - 183 Which of the following can isolate RDS network resources from other services?

  1. ECS
  2. VPC
  3. CES
  4. OBS

Answer: B

Q - 184 Which of the following are advantages of IAM?

  1. Permission Management
  2. Security Control
  3. Agency management
  4. Federated ID Authentication

Answer: ALL

Q - 185 Which of the following operations is not supported by EVS?

  1. Attaching/Detaching
  2. Capacity Expansion
  3. Capacity Reduction
  4. Backup

Answer: C

Q - 186 To which of the following scenario does OCR apply?

  1. Image Processing
  2. Image Recognition
  3. Character Recognition
  4. Speech Recognition

Answer: C

Q - 187 Which of the following is not an advantage of RDS compared with self-built databases?

  1. Instant Availability
  2. Easy Management
  3. Elastic Scaling
  4. Self-Installed Databases

Answer: D

Q - 188 Which of the following component can be used to set an access control whitelist to allow specific IP addresses to access load balancers?

  1. Listener
  2. Backend Server
  3. Backend Server Group
  4. Health Check

Answer: A

Q - 189 All Huawei Cloud services can be viewed on the management console?

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: True

Q - 190 IMS provides comprehensive and flexible self-service image management capabilities. Users can create a private image and use it to create an ECS or multiple ECSs?

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: True

Q - 191 ELB provides only two types of load balancing algorithms?

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: false

Q - 192 An ECS can be attached to single EVS disks?

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: False

Q - 193 An ECS must be stopped before it is used to create an image?

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: False

Q - 194 Which of the following is not the component of Big Data Platform?

  1. Map Reduce
  2. Openstack
  3. HDFS
  4. Yarn B

Answer: B

Q - 195 Which of the following statements about NAT Gateway is correct?

  1. DNAT provides services for external networks.
  2. DNAT also has the concept of the number of connections.
  3. DNAT supports TCP, UDP, and ICMP port mapping.
  4. DNAT does not support mapping all ports.

Answer: A

Q - 196 Which of the following statements about NAT Gateway is incorrect?

  1. After the number of SNAT connections reaches the upper limit, new sessions cannot be created.
  2. Cloud Eye allows you to view the number of SNAT connections.
  3. Cloud Eye allows you to view the IP addresses of top 10 VMs that occupy the largest number of SNAT connections.
  4. Cloud Eye does not support setting alarms for the number of connections.

Answer: D

Q - 197 Which of the following statements about NAT Gateway is incorrect?

  1. An SNAT server is more stable than the NAT Gateway service.
  2. NAT Gateway supports security isolation.
  3. NAT Gateway supports up to 1 million concurrent SNAT connections.
  4. NAT Gateway supports up to 200 DNAT rules. A

Answer: A

Q - 198 Which of the following functions of NAT Gateway can be used to enable ECSs to share an EIP to access the Internet?

  1. SNAT
  2. DNAT

Answer: A

Q - 199 NAT Gateway supports disaster recovery across AZs.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: True

Q - 200 After a NAT gateway is used, the EIP assigned to the original ECS becomes invalid.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: False

Q - 201 In one VPC, only one NAT gateway can be created.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A

Q - 202 NAT Gateway supports smooth upgrade.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A

Q - 203 The NAT Gateway service is charged.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: True

Q - 204 API lifecycle?

  1. A. Create
  2. B. Publish
  3. C. Authorize
  4. D. Remove

Answer: ALL

Q - 205 Faster Inclusive AI Development?

  1. DLS
  2. MLS
  3. ModelArts
  4. GES

Answer: C

Q - 206 Bucket X has been configured a policy not to allow any users to access it. Object Y is inside Bucket X. Object B has an ACL that allows any users to access it. Therefore, object Y can be access anonymously by any user.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Answer: false

Q - 207 which of the following is not included in devcloud:

  1. Data backup
  2. Project Management
  3. Code Check
  4. Cloud build

Answer: A

Q - 208 What is ECS lifecycle?

  1. Start
  2. Stop
  3. Restart
  4. Delete

Answer: All

Q - 209 Primary DB instance can replicate data to secondary DB Instances in :

  1. Asynchronous
  2. Semi-synchronous
  3. Synchronous
  4. Full Synchronous

Answer: A & B

Q - 210 When compared with shared file systems what are the advantages of SFS:

  1. Robust reliability
  2. Seamless integration
  3. File sharing
  4. Easy operations

Answer: A & B & C