Q - 151 What SDK Languages Does API Gateway Support?

  1. Java
  2. Go
  3. Python
  4. C#

Answer: ALL

Q - 152 What are ECS Login Modes?

  1. Key pair
  2. OTP Token
  3. Fingerprint
  4. Password

Answer: A & D

Q - 153 What are Auto Scaling Policy Actions?

  1. Modify
  2. Replicate
  3. Enable
  4. Delete

Answer: A & C & D

Q - 154 Which AS Policies that dynamically expand?

  1. Random
  2. Alarm
  3. Schedule
  4. Periodic

Answer: B

Q - 155 Which are VPC access control functions?

  1. Security group
  2. Network access list
  3. Fingerprint
  4. Password

Answer: A & B

Q - 156 Which of the following is not a main reason, The traditional IT infrastructure architecture cannot easily support enterprise operations, and architecture transformation is required?

  1. Slow service rollout and complex lifecycle management
  2. High TCO
  3. Key application performance is limited by I/O bottlenecks.
  4. Slow network speed

Answer: D

Q - 157 Which of the following statements about hybrid clouds is not true?

  1. hey centrally manage enterprises' resources on both public and private clouds.
  2. hey allow service applications to move seamlessly between public and private clouds.
  3. hey leverage both public and private cloud advantages to optimize resource configuration.
  4. pplications can be deployed only on the public cloud

Answer: D

Q - 158 How much time does it take to obtain an ECS?

  1. Several seconds
  2. Several minutes
  3. Several hours
  4. Several days

Answer: B

Q - 159 Which device will first hit to the Traffic from internet?

  1. Firewall
  2. NGIX
  3. ELB
  4. Router

Answer: A

Q - 160 Which scaling action is not performed on Bandwidth scalling policy?

  1. Add
  2. Reduce
  3. Set to
  4. Replicate

Answer: D

Q - 161 Which component is not deleted automatically when DB instance is deleted

  1. manual backup
  2. Data information
  3. Storage
  4. Network Settings


Q - 162 How are regions divided?

  1. Based on AZ
  2. Geographic location
  3. Network Latency
  4. Cluster servers

Answer: B & C

Q - 163 Where can log file be stored in Logging function of a bucket?

  1. Any bucket
  2. Enable logging
  3. The bucket on which logging is enabled
  4. All other buckets except the one which is logging

Answer: C

Q - 164 When compared with shared file systems what are the advantages of SFS:

  1. Robust reliability
  2. Seamless integration
  3. File sharing
  4. Logging

Answer: C

Q - 165 Primary DB instance can replicate data to secondary DB Instances in :

  1. Asynchronous
  2. Semi-synchronous
  3. Synchronous
  4. symmetric

Answer: A & B

Q - 166 What is ECS lifecycle?

  1. Start
  2. Stop
  3. Restart
  4. Delete

Answer: ALL

Q - 167 Which of the following is not included in devcloud:

  1. Data backup
  2. Project Management
  3. Code Check
  4. Cloud build

Answer: A

Q - 168 Which Includes AI Development faster?

  1. DLS
  2. MLS
  3. ModelArts
  4. GES

Answer: C

Q - 169 Which method include in API lifecycle?

  1. Create
  2. Publish
  3. Authorize
  4. Remove

Answer: ALL

Q - 170 Which of the following functions of NAT Gateway can be used to enable ECSs to share an EIP to access the Internet?

  1. SNAT
  2. DNAT
  3. BNAT
  4. HNAT

Answer: A

Q - 171 Which of the following statements about NAT Gateway is not true?

  1. An SNAT server is more stable than the NAT Gateway service.
  2. NAT Gateway supports security isolation.
  3. NAT Gateway supports up to 1 million concurrent SNAT connections.
  4. NAT Gateway supports up to 200 DNAT rules.

Answer: A

Q - 172 Which of the following statements about NAT Gateway is not correct?

  1. After the number of SNAT connections reaches the upper limit, new sessions cannot be created.
  2. Cloud Eye allows you to view the number of SNAT connections.
  3. Cloud Eye allows you to view the IP addresses of top 10 VMs that occupy the largest number of SNAT connections.
  4. Cloud Eye does not support setting alarms for the number of connections

Answer: D

Q - 173 Which of the following statements about NAT Gateway is true?

  1. NAT provides services for external networks.
  2. NAT also has the concept of the number of connections.
  3. NAT supports TCP, UDP, and ICMP port mapping.
  4. NAT does not support mapping all ports.

Answer: A

Q - 174 Which of the following is not the component of Big Data Platform?

  1. Map Reduce
  2. Openstack
  3. HDFS
  4. Yarn

Answer: B

Q - 175 Which of the following component can be used to set an access control whitelist to allow specific IP addresses to access load balancers?

  1. Listener
  2. Backend Server
  3. Backend Server Group
  4. Health Check

Answer: A

Q - 176 Which of the following is not an advantage of RDS compared with self-built databases?

  1. Instant Availability
  2. Easy Management
  3. Elastic Scaling
  4. Self-Installed Databases

Answer: D

Q - 177 To which of the following scenario does OCR apply?

  1. Image Processing
  2. Image Recognition
  3. Character Recognition
  4. Speech Recognition

Answer: C

Q - 178 Which of the following can isolate RDS network resources from other services?

  1. ECS
  2. VPC
  3. CES
  4. OBS

Answer: B

Q - 179 Which of the following operations is not supported by EVS?

  1. Attaching/Detaching
  2. Capacity Expansion
  3. Capacity Reduction
  4. Backup

Answer: C

Q - 180 Which of the following are advantages of IAM?

  1. Permission Management
  2. Security Control
  3. Agency management
  4. Federated ID Authentication

Answer: ALL